Wednesday, February 15, 2012


It's funny to think that this time last year I was skiing in the French Alps with a French man I thought I wanted to be with "forever".

Life is strange, especially when you're a naive romantic at heart and you journal a lot and overthink everything.

So--in honor of yesterday's being sick and in bed version of valentine's day (let's face it, I'm cool with last year's romanticism lasting me through at least a good couple more valentines until I find someone who can top that) I'm going to do a list of my top 10 best rom coms to watch on a sick day. I'm getting über specific, because, let's face it, there are so many amazing rom coms but so many different times and situations for each of them. Doing a general top ten list would be horribly horribly unfair, at least for someone like me who finds picking favorites extremely difficult.

Top Ten Romantic Comedies for Sick Days

10. The Proposal
9. 27 Dresses
8.When Harry Met Sally
7. Sliding Doors
6. Notting Hill
5. 10 Things I Hate About You
4. Pride and Prejudice (Kiera Knightly version)
3. Ever After
2. You've Got Mail
1. Sleepless in Seattle

*The Princess Bride really should have made the list, but I watched it so many times when I was young and sick (along with Robin Hood Men in Tights) that I can't stomach the idea of watching it again in the next 10 years.


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