Thursday, May 3, 2012


I get made fun of a lot at work about my adoration of wedding blogs.

One of the first pinterest boards (irgendwann) I started last July was in fact, a wedding idea board. But my love for wedding planning and dreaming has existed...since I was really little. Actually, even before high school. and middle school. Let's just say, my favorite Halloween costume was of me in a white dress. And it wasn't a zombie queen or a fairy, it was just a plain old bride. I think I wore that costume at least 2 or 3 years in a row in elementary school, until it was phased out by the authentic Japanese geisha girl robe my Great-Grandma Mimi bought in Japan on one of her many steamboat travels to the far side of the world.

Needless to say, I was a little upset years later upon reading Memoirs of a Geisha to find out what I had been dressing up as all those years. Gee, thanks, mom.

When I was little, I dreamt about a 2 key things all the time. The first was to be discovered by an agent who would whisk me off to California and have me star in remakes of all of my favorite childhood fantasy books. We're talking Ella in Ella Enchanted (imagine my FURY at the horrible Anne Hathaway excuse for a rendition of the book I read bi-monthly from the age of 11-15), Lucy in the Chronicles of Narnia, and Agba (the mute stable boy...) in King of the Wind, my favorite horse book. What else did I dream about?

Well, falling in love and getting married. I honestly believe that my love of letter writing stems from the 50+ times that i have read Ella Enchanted. There is an entire section of the book where she and Char send each other letters, with different fonts for the different handwriting (Ella's was cramped and rushed, Char had a wide, smooth grace to his script), and this section was always my favorite. If I think back on all of the relationships I've had, there was always a focus on sending letters. The first summer I was in love, I wrote my boy a letter every single day, sitting in a willow tree over the lake at Interlochen, MI. I don't kid around. I was going to do it like they did in the books, and the books I read had heroines who got it done.

I would be lying if I told you that I didn't have more than 1 or 2 different schemes for my wedding. At various stages of my adolescent and young adult life, I have found myself intricately planning what it would be like, if I had to do it all right then and there. One version involves a ceremony at the tiny white church on the hill in Topinabee across the lake in Michigan, and the getaway "boat" waiting for us, complete with streamers to match the white and teal colors of our Donzi speadboat. Another idea was to have it take place in the chapel at Wellesley, in October.

Plans and ideas have only become more tangible these days because of a)the internet b)pinterest and c)my job. Over the summer, I spent entire days on pinterest, and my co-workers fed my addiction with more blogs. But it's funny, the more I look at past ideas, the more I realize I don't have my heart set on anything in particular. Some of my Wellesley friends with serious boyfriends have everything (we're talking E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G) already planned out, and have super high expectations. I find that...annerving.

Sure, the first thing is actually having a relationship that lasts more than a few months, which hasn't been the case in the last few years. And, let's get real, I am not really in the mood to be finding anything serious for a while. It's fun---being free and young, especially at weddings. But it is nice, to check in with myself and my pinterest board, and feel chill with the fact that, no matter how much I plan and dream and scheme, real life will be different. And real life, will probably be even more beautiful than I could ever imagine or plan.

So, bring it on.

In the meantime, I'll be busy pinterest-ing, thanks.

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